The second workshop of the European Green Deal Watch is taking place on the 16 May 2022.
This second meeting of the group - held online - is organized in the context of the war in Ukraine and the need for the European countries to phase out the Russian fossil fuels of their energy mix. But the need for a green transition and the targets of the European Green Deal remain.
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The programme
The group members will therefore discuss according to the programme below:
– 14h-14h10 Short introduction and follow-ups
– 14h10-16h00 “Comparing first national responses to the war in terms of energy policy”:
What measures have been announced so far, especially what proposals for accelerating the transition but also in terms of short-term measures such as diversification of the supplies, etc.? Are these proposals and (first) concrete measures going in the same direction, or will they deepen the divisions between the four countries. Is there a path forward emerging of all this, and does it lead to the Green Deal-agenda? Naturally, the situation evolves almost from day to day, but it will be very useful for everyone to get the state of the play in each country. We’ll do a short deep dive into each country, with some 10-15 minutes initial presentations, then we’ll have a free discussion.
– 16h00-16h10: Break
– 16h10-17h15 “REpowerEU” and the way forward for the Green Deal:
We meet just before the European Commission will present its “RePowerEU” strategy (18 May), but some of you might have some insight of what’s in the pipelines. In any event, we need to share some thoughts about what should be pushed for once the proposal will be published, and if we can get a common message on the four countries. The discussion will be introduced by Elisa Giannelli from E3G and will also include the different votes and reforms on environmental matters to be discussed at the EU level.
– 17h30 -17h45 Next steps
– Wojtek Kalinowski, Veblen Institute
– Jules Hebert, HBS Paris
– Neil Makaroff, RAC France
– Juliette de Grandpré, WWF
– Beata Cymerman, HBS Warsaw
– Nicolas Berghmans, IDDRI
– Sylwia Andralojc-Bodych, Germanwatch
– Daniel Kiewra, RBF
– Elisa Giannelli, E3G
– Francesca Bellisai, ECCO
– Mathieu Delatte — Ben kemoume, Veblen Institute