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A Finance Watch Conference

Representation of Public Interest in Banking

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Why is the public interest such a low priority in banking?

Why is the public interest such a low priority in banking?

December 7th, 2016
Bibliothèque Royale, Brussels

The public interest is not being properly represented in banking and finance: eight years after Lehman Brothers collapsed, the EU’s economy is weak and the banking system remains a threat to financial stability. In response, Finance Watch began a research project in 2015 to investigate why the public interest has been so under-represented in banking and to identify possible improvements. The two-year project invited civil society and academics to participate and contribute to the research.

The conference will present the results of this research – including policy recommendations – while providing an opportunity for its contributors and others to continue the conversation and to strengthen the network of civil society organisations and academics working on the subject.

This one-day event combines plenary sessions with 8 parallel sessions, allowing the participants to explore the multiple dimensions and possible answers to the questions raised.

For more information and register: Finance Watch



9AM | Opening

9:20AM | Introduction on the project and the conference

10AM | Panel discussion on how a simplified, more open and inclusive regulatory process can improve participation and deliver better outcomes in terms of public interest representation?

 Eric Ducoulombier, European Commission, DG FISMA
 Monique Goyens, BEUC
 Daniel Mügge, University of Amsterdam
 Ella Sjödin, Nordic Financial Unions
 Magda Tancau, EAPN and FESSUD
 Myriam Vander Stichele, SOMO

11:30AM | Interview on stakeholder banking:

What are the criteria and recipe for success? How to influence banks actions and foster the participation of the public?

 Christine Berry, New Economics Foundation
 Rym Ayadi, International Research Centre on Cooperative Finance

12AM | Keynote speech by John Christensen, Founder and President of the Tax Justice Network:
Building up a movement and influencing policies on a complex and technical issue: learning from the international tax campaigns


2PM | 1st series of parallel sessions: short presentations followed by discussions with participants

 Participation in banking regulation: CSO strategies, S. Pagliari, City University; F. Lemaire, University Paris XIII

- Banks facing societal issues: Investing in the transition, D. Korslund, GABV; S. Hierzig, Share Action

- The future of bailed-out banks: a citizens’ perspective
, F. Travers-Smith, Move your Money; L. Deruytter, Fairfin (tbc)
 Citizens’ Dashboard of Finance, G. Porino, Finance Watch; W. Kalinowski, Veblen Institute

3PM | 2nd series of parallel sessions: short presentations followed by discussions with participants

 Almost all of us are banking clients: consumers’ interest representations, A. Fily, BEUC; Lisa Karstner, Sciences Po Paris
  Learning from German stakeholder bank, C. Scherrer, Kassel University; L. Regneri, Ver.di (tbc)
 Communication, pedagogy: how to talk about money and finance, M. Nichols, Meteos; M. Thiemanns, Goethe University Frankfurt (tbc)
  Building coalitions on finance and tax: lessons from the FTT campaigns and an overview, P. Wahl, Weed; T. Fazi, ISI Growth

4PM | Stakeholders debate: What to do next? Panel discussion on key actions to be taken to improve the representation of the public interest in banking

 Sven Giegold, Member of the European Parliament
 Hakan Lucius, Head of Stakeholder Engagement, Transparency and Civil Society Division at the European Investment Bank
 Andreas Botsch,The German Trade Union Confederation, DGB
 Wim Mijs, European Banking Federation
 Anne Van Schaik, Friends of the Earth Europe

5PM | Closing speech and cocktail reception

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