Why is the public interest such a low priority in banking?
December 7th, 2016
Bibliothèque Royale, Brussels
The public interest is not being properly represented in banking and finance: eight years after Lehman Brothers collapsed, the EU’s economy is weak and the banking system remains a threat to financial stability. In response, Finance Watch began a research project in 2015 to investigate why the public interest has been so under-represented in banking and to identify possible improvements. The two-year project invited civil society and academics to participate and contribute to the research.
The conference will present the results of this research – including policy recommendations – while providing an opportunity for its contributors and others to continue the conversation and to strengthen the network of civil society organisations and academics working on the subject.
This one-day event combines plenary sessions with 8 parallel sessions, allowing the participants to explore the multiple dimensions and possible answers to the questions raised.
For more information and register: Finance Watch
9AM | Opening
9:20AM | Introduction on the project and the conference
10AM | Panel discussion on how a simplified, more open and inclusive regulatory process can improve participation and deliver better outcomes in terms of public interest representation?
– Eric Ducoulombier, European Commission, DG FISMA
– Monique Goyens, BEUC
– Daniel Mügge, University of Amsterdam
– Ella Sjödin, Nordic Financial Unions
– Magda Tancau, EAPN and FESSUD
– Myriam Vander Stichele, SOMO
11:30AM | Interview on stakeholder banking:
What are the criteria and recipe for success? How to influence banks actions and foster the participation of the public?
– Christine Berry, New Economics Foundation
– Rym Ayadi, International Research Centre on Cooperative Finance
12AM | Keynote speech by John Christensen, Founder and President of the Tax Justice Network:
Building up a movement and influencing policies on a complex and technical issue: learning from the international tax campaigns
2PM | 1st series of parallel sessions: short presentations followed by discussions with participants
– Participation in banking regulation: CSO strategies, S. Pagliari, City University; F. Lemaire, University Paris XIII
- Banks facing societal issues: Investing in the transition, D. Korslund, GABV; S. Hierzig, Share Action
- The future of bailed-out banks: a citizens’ perspective
, F. Travers-Smith, Move your Money; L. Deruytter, Fairfin (tbc)
– Citizens’ Dashboard of Finance, G. Porino, Finance Watch; W. Kalinowski, Veblen Institute
3PM | 2nd series of parallel sessions: short presentations followed by discussions with participants
– Almost all of us are banking clients: consumers’ interest representations, A. Fily, BEUC; Lisa Karstner, Sciences Po Paris
– Learning from German stakeholder bank, C. Scherrer, Kassel University; L. Regneri, Ver.di (tbc)
– Communication, pedagogy: how to talk about money and finance, M. Nichols, Meteos; M. Thiemanns, Goethe University Frankfurt (tbc)
– Building coalitions on finance and tax: lessons from the FTT campaigns and an overview, P. Wahl, Weed; T. Fazi, ISI Growth
4PM | Stakeholders debate: What to do next? Panel discussion on key actions to be taken to improve the representation of the public interest in banking
– Sven Giegold, Member of the European Parliament
– Hakan Lucius, Head of Stakeholder Engagement, Transparency and Civil Society Division at the European Investment Bank
– Andreas Botsch,The German Trade Union Confederation, DGB
– Wim Mijs, European Banking Federation
– Anne Van Schaik, Friends of the Earth Europe
5PM | Closing speech and cocktail reception