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Can the European Green Deal put Europe on the path towards a sustainable future?

Experiences from France, Germany, Italy and Poland

December 10, 10:00-11:30

Online event register here.

On the occasion of the launch of the "European Green Deal Watch", the Veblen Institute and the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Paris office invite you for an online roundtable on the chances of the European Green Deal to deliver on its promises, i.e. to put Europe on the track towards carbon neutrality and sustainability.

Presented at the end of 2019 as the EU’s new "roadmap" towards carbon neutrality and sustainable development goals, the European Green Deal still remains the most ambitious political project on energy and ecological transition. But its inconsistencies and omissions are also numerous, while many aspects of European policy and regulatory framework continue to work in the opposite direction: the environmental impacts "imported" via the flow of external goods and services are still not taken into account, the Common Agricultural Policy is far from being a lever for the ecological transition, nor are the rules of the single market, etc.

How can we meet these challenges and generalize the principle of "do no harm" to climate and environmental objectives, proclaimed by the EU but not really implemented?


 Michael Bloss, Member of the European Parliament (The Greens/EFA)
 Quentin Genard, director EU Institutional Relations, European Climate Foundation
 Elisa Giannelli, Senior Policy Advisor, E3G
 Neil Makaroff, European Affairs Policy Officer, Climate Action Network-France
 Audrey Mathieu, Senior Advisor for EU Climate Politics, Germanwatch
 Daniel Kiewra (tbc), Economist & Just Transition Expert, Poland.

Moderator: Wojtek Kalinowski, Co-Director of the Veblen Institute

Introduction: Jens Althoff, Director of the Paris office of the Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung

Language : French & English (with simultaneous interpretation)

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