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First workshop of the European Green Deal Watch

Mathieu Delatte Ben Kemoume, 9 December 2021

[English] [français]

First workshop of the European Green Deal Watch

The European Green Deal Watch will be holding its first workshop session on December 9th & 10th. While it was supposed to take place in Paris, it has been decided that it would be held online due to the covid resurgence.

Download the summary

Minutes of the European Green Deal Watch first workshop

The programme

The core group will discuss according to the following programme:

On December 9th:

  • 14:30 Introductions
  • 14:45 Presentation of the “Green Deal Watch-project”
  • 15:00 National transition policies and the Green Deal: challenges and opportunities for each country, introduced by four 10-minutes presentations from each country
  • 16:20 10 minutes break
  • 16:30 Next steps and first round of recommendations
  • 17:00 Hearing with a member of Franz Timmermans’ team at the European Commission (Chatham house rules). The hearing will focus on three issues:
     Mainstreaming the Green Deal in the European Semester and Recovery Package
     The Green Deal Investment Plan
     The Green Deal and EU State Aid Legislation
  • 18:00 End of the session

On December 10th:

  • 10:00-11h30 Public Round Table: “Will the European Green Deal succeed in driving the ecological transition in Europe?
    Language: French & English (with simultaneous interpretation)


  • Jens Althoff, Director, Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Paris office, France
  • Nicolas Berghmans, Senior fellow, Climate and Energy Institut du développement durable et des relations internationales (IDDRI), France
  • Beata Cymerman, Director, Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Warsaw office, Poland
  • Juliette de Grandpré, Policy Advisor, Climate and Energy, WWF Deutschland, Germany
  • Camille Defard, Reaserch fellow, European Climate and Energy, Institut Jacques Delors Paris office, France
  • Mathilde Dupré, Co-director, Institut Veblen, France
  • Elisa Giannelli, Senior Policy Advisor, E3G, Belgium/Italy
  • Jules Hebert, Program coordinator, Heinrich Böll Stiftung Paris office, France
  • Wojtek Kalinowski, Co-director, Institut Veblen, France
  • Daniel Kiewra, Research Fellow, Economist & just transition expert, Poland
  • Neil Makaroff, Head of European affairs, Réseau Action Climat, France
  • Audrey Mathieu, Referentin für EU-Klimapolitik, Germanwatch, Germany
  • Davide Panzeri, Senior Policy Advisor, Ecco, Italy
  • Joanna Maria Stolarek, Head of Energy and Climate Programme, Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Warsaw office, Poland
  • Martin Keim, Head of Programme - European Energy Transition, Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Brussel office, Belgium

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