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Patrick Criqui

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Patrick CRIQUI (HEC-75), Emeritus Research Director at the CNRS and the UGA, works on the economics of energy transition and climate policies at the Grenoble Applied Economics Laboratory (GAEL). He is also a scientific advisor to ENERDATA and an associate researcher at IDDRI.
His early research focused on the economics of solar energy, then on the modelling of international energy markets. He then developed a long-term global energy model, the POLES model, which is now used by the European Commission and various administrations and companies in Europe for the economic analysis of climate policies. He was also lead author of the IPCC Working Group 3 (Nobel Peace Prize in 2007).
He is a member of the Economic Council for Sustainable Development, reporting to the Minister of Ecology. He is also a member of the scientific councils of IFP-EN, the Nicolas Hulot Foundation and the Climate Economics Chair, and has taught at various universities in France and abroad. In the context of the implementation of the Paris Agreement, he is currently focusing his work on low-carbon development strategies. He also chairs the France Stratégie working group on greenhouse gas abatement costs.

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