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Julien Lefournier

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A graduate of the École des Mines de Paris and of the "Master El Karoui" in Probability and Finance (Sorbonne University), Julien Lefournier worked for almost 25 years in the financial sector in Paris, London and New York, for major French banks (Société Générale and Crédit Agricole) and Anglo-Saxon banks (Merrill Lynch and Royal Bank of Scotland). Since 2017, he has been an independent consultant and raises awareness of the limits of so-called responsible finance through articles, conferences or working groups (including the "FORTES" collective born to promote "Training for the ecological and social transition in higher education"). Julien Lefournier co-authored with the economist Alain Grandjean the book L’illusion de la finance verte (Ivry-sur-Seine, Éditions de l’Atelier, 2021).

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