Anne-Caroline Prévot
Anne-Caroline Prévot is a research director at the CNRS and a researcher at the Centre for Ecology and Conservation Sciences (CESCO) at the National Museum of Natural History in Paris.
Trained as an ecologist, Anne-Caroline Prévot works at the interface with the human and social sciences to explore how our relationships with nature and biodiversity in our daily lives could help us to collectively invent ecologically and socially sustainable futures.
In addition to her research activities, she is vice-president of the MAB-France association and of UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere scientific programme. She is co-responsible for the master’s degree course in Societies and Biodiversity at the Muséum and for the M2 Socio-ecological Transformations and Transition (TTSE). She is also the founder and scientific director of the Science Fiction Committee (CSF), which brings together students, researchers and artists to invent post ecological transition worlds.
Anne-Caroline Prévot has edited two collective works with Cynthia Fleury: "L’exigence de la réconciliation" (2012, Fayard editions), and "Le Souci de la nature" (2017, CNRS editions). She is the author of "La nature à l’œil nu", in press at the CNRS.