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EU-Mercosur : The Vicious circle of pesticides

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Sara Lickel,

Our report on mirror measures in agriculture proposes a European regulation to deal with European imports of food produced with banned pestices, and exports of those dangerous pesticides to third countries. Based on this work, Sara Lickel, Trade policy officer at the Veblen Institute, will react to a new study on trade of pesticides with Mercosur countries.

European corporations massively export pesticides to Mercosur, destroying forests, displacing indigenous peoples and farmers, and poisoning local populations. These dangerous substances come back to the plates of the European consumers. Fortunately, citizens are reacting and pressuring governments to break this cycle. The Left group in the European Parliament has invited Prof Larissa Mies Bombardi of the University of Sao Paulo to present her new study “Geography of Asymmetry, Circle of Poison and Molecular Colonialism in the Commercial Relationship between Mercosur and the EU”, which illustrates those destructive relations that the treaty negotiated between the two regions would not change, but instead, reinforce.

Prominent experts and several parliamentarians from both regions will react to the presentation and comment on their actions and the new windows that are opening against the abusive use of pesticides. The conference will take place on Tuesday, May 11th, 17:00 - 19:00 CET.

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Presentation and discussion of the study


Cycle of Poison and Molecular Colonialism in the Commercial Relationship between Mercosur and the European Union”

commissioned by The Left group in the European Parliament

Welcoming words, by Manon Aubry, co-president of The Left in the European Parliament

Introduction, by Helmut Scholz, MEP of The Left, Member of the Commission for International trade of the European Parliament

Presentation of the study, by Larissa Mies Bombardi, author of the Study, Prof of the Sao Paulo University

Discussion :

– Peter Clausing, PAN-Germany

– Nilto Toatto, Federal MP of Brasil and President of environmentalist front

– Arnaud Apoteker Justice Pesticide

– Sara Lickel, Institut Veblen

Conclusions :

– Lilian Galán, MP for El Frente Amplio of uruguay

– Stelios Kouloglou MEP of The Left, member of the EP Delegation for the relations with Mercosur

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